ECI congratulates President-elect Isaac Herzog

Herzog - SandellBrussels, June 3rd, 2021 – European Coalition for Israel congratulates the newly elected 11th President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog on his historic landslide victory in the Israeli Knesset vote in Jerusalem on Wednesday 2rd June, in which he received broad support from across the political spectrum.

“Few people could be better qualified to take on this prestigious position than the former Chair of the Jewish Agency, longstanding minister in numerous Israeli governments, and former opposition leader Isaac Herzog”, ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said in a statement on Thursday. Building on the rich legacy of his father, the late Chaim Herzog, the 6th president of the State of Israel, the new President-elect faces many of the same challenges as those encountered by his father in 1975 when, as Israel’s ambassador to the UN, he was tasked with defending the Jewish state from baseless accusations of racism. The infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (“Zionism is racism”) was later revoked, but the enemies of Israel are relentless in recycling these vicious lies, and they loom ominously ahead of the 20th anniversary of the UN Durban Conference against Racism, set to take place in September this year.

In expressing our best wishes for the President-elect, European Coalition for Israel extends its hand of continuous support and partnership for the safety, security and prosperity of the Jewish state.


Picture: Isaac Herzog together with Tomas Sandell in connection with the Holocaust Remembrance event in the European Parliament in Brussels in 2019