ECI in the media

Kristen intressebevakning sviker Israel och förföljda kristna

Kristen intressebevakning sviker Israel och förföljda kristna

Tomas Sandell | 31 August 2023 | Världen idag Samtidigt som den islamistiska regimen i Teheran fortsätter att sprida terror i hela Mellanöstern och brutalt tystar ner alla protester runt om i landet, passar Kyrkornas världsråd i Genève på att bjuda in regimens...

Det internationella samfundet fjäskar för Israels största hot

Det internationella samfundet fjäskar för Israels största hot

Tomas Sandell | 6 July 2023 | Världen idag Under sina 75 år har staten Israel levt under mångahanda hot. Knappt hade bläcket på självständighetsförklaringen den 14 maj 1948 torkat, innan landet anfölls av fem olika arméer med syfte att driva judarna ut i Medelhavet....

When will Israel start speaking to its friends? – opinion

When will Israel start speaking to its friends? – opinion

Tomas Sandell | 5 June 2023 | Jerusalem Post Some three weeks ago a delegation from the Sweden Democrats made what they had considered to be a historic visit to Israel. No longer would those in the Israeli government have to ask themselves what Sweden’s second largest...

Ny ranking EU:s Israelpolitik – SD i topp och V i botten

Ny ranking EU:s Israelpolitik – SD i topp och V i botten

Av Jacob Zetterman | 28 april 2023 | Tidningen Dagen “Det är alla EU-medborgares rättighet att känna till hur deras nationella partier röstar i frågor som rör Israel”, säger Tomas Sandell Med hjälp av ett researchföretag har de studerat hur man röstat i frågor som...

First-ever ranking of EU Parliament members vote on Israel presented in Brussels

First-ever ranking of EU Parliament members vote on Israel presented in Brussels

One of the takeways of the survey results is that political ideology and, to a lesser extent, nationality that determine how a particular member of the European Parliament will cast his vote on Israel-related issues. While Ireland ends up last on the list on its support for Israel, followed by Spain, support for Israel is […]

Normalization is modernization

Normalization is modernization

by Tomas Sandell in EU Reporter Since assuming office in 2014, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has transformed Indonesia’s foreign policy. This past summer alone, the President, known as Jokowi, was invited to participate in the G7 Summit in Germany, visited both Ukraine and Russia to discuss food security issues with Presidents Putin and Zelenksy, and […]

Ny djurskyddslag äventyrar det mångkulturella samhället

By Tomas Sandell in Hufvudstadsbladet Inkommande vecka ordnas en viktig expertkonferens i Bryssel. På agendan finns frågan om ritual slakt som en del av religionsfriheten. Tidpunkten är noggrant utvald. Att EU samlar lagexperter kring frågan samtidigt som Finlands...

Why is the WCC softening its stance on Israel?

By Tomas Sandell in The Times of Israel The recent parliament elections in Sweden revealed an interesting trend. The young generation is apparently less radical than those over 65. This can also be the explanation to why there is suddenly a shift in the World Council...

125 years after the First Zionist Congress

By Tomas Sandell in The Times of Israel 125 years after the First Zionist Congress – Time for the Christian world to fully embrace the Jewish state When Theodor Herzl presented his Zionist vision 125 years ago this weekend in Basel, Switzerland the Christian world was...