ECI mobilises support for Israel ahead of Peace summit in Paris – French “quick fix” undermines central principles in international law

Quai d'Orsay ParisBrussels, January 13th, 2017 – The European Coalition for Israel has sent an open letter to the members of the UN Security Council, ahead of the Middle East Peace conference in Paris this Sunday, 15th January. In the letter, which will also be presented to the conference in Paris, ECI warns the UNSC and the conference delegates not to adopt any new measures which could further undermine the stalled peace process.

“There can be no “quick fix” to the complex peace process in the Middle East just one week before the inauguration of a new President in the United States and until the new Secretary-General of the United Nations has been properly installed”, Tomas Sandell said in a statement in Brussels on Thursday.

“The extremely untimely and one-sided UNSC resolution 2334 and the inflammatory speech of outgoing US Secretary of State John Kerry on December 28 where he claimed that “Israel cannot be Jewish and democratic at the same time”, gives a clear indication of the spirit and the motives behind the Paris conference.

“Instead of rejecting the historical claims of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland by calling some of the holiest sites in their history, such as the Western Wall, “illegal” and “occupied”, the international community should instead affirm the rights of both Jews and Arabs to live in the region”, he said.

The letter makes clear that the measures presented in Paris would clearly infringe the principle of sovereign equality of states and the fundamental right of the State of Israel to territorial integrity, inviolability and political independence, as reflected in the UN Charter and Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. All UN Member States are obliged to recognise these rights, and they have no jurisdiction whatsoever to determine the borders of another sovereign UN Member State.

“The only route to lasting peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is through mutual acceptance, negotiation, and cooperation – and this should not be undermined by the Paris conference”, the letter concludes.

European Coalition for Israel is co-organising a solidarity rally for Israel on Sunday morning in Paris ahead of the Peace conference. Please find more information here.


You can watch ECI video updates from the European parliament:

ECI Legal Counsel Andrew Tucker and Founding Director Tomas Sandell (recorded 11 January 2017)

ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell (recorded 12 January 2017)

Special Edition on the Paris Peace Conference January 2017, featuring ECI Legal Counsel Andrew Tucker, MEP Arne Gericke, and ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell. The discussion is led by Simon Barrett.
(recorded 11 January 2017)