
Newly appointed EU coordinator on antisemitism:

Newly appointed EU coordinator on antisemitism:

“When the canary no longer sings, Europe is in crisis” Brussels, December 4th, 2015 – On Tuesday, December 1st, the European Commission appointed its first ever coordinator on combating antisemitism. Two days later, on Thursday December 3rd, the newly appointed...

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Letter of condolence to French President

Letter of condolence to French President

Letter of condolence to French President EU and Israel need a united front to combat terrorism   Brussels, November 16th, 2015 -  ECI has sent a letter of condolence to the French President François Hollande after a terrorist attack struck Paris late on Friday...

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ECI critical of impending EU labelling directive

ECI critical of impending EU labelling directive

ECI critical of impending EU labelling directive EU should promote cooperation – not separation Brussels, November 10th, 2015 - The European Coalition for Israel has issued a written statement against an impending EU directive to label Israeli goods from the disputed...

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Time for the EU to take a stand – against terrorism in Israel

Time for the EU to take a stand – against terrorism in Israel

Brussels, October 14th, 2015 –As violence continued to escalate in Jerusalem on Tuesday, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini issued a statement calling for “Israelis and Palestinians to restore calm.” In a written statement to Federica Mogherini and in meetings...

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First EU Colloquium on Fundamental Rights

First EU Colloquium on Fundamental Rights

First EU Colloquium on Fundamental Rights Incoherent EU-policies prevent effective measures against antisemitism Brussels, October 2nd, 2015 – The European Commission has held its first annual colloquium on fundamental rights by highlighting the rise of anti-Semitic...

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ECI hosted a 70th Anniversary Concert in Krakow

ECI hosted a 70th Anniversary Concert in Krakow

- A Europe where Jews are afraid is no longer Europe Krakow, 27th January, 2015 – As the official commemoration events marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz came to a close on Tuesday evening, the European Coalition for Israel, together with the...

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